You know you need to get rid of some of your stuff. Getting organised has probably been on your to do list for a while now? Perhaps well meaning family members have been badgering you to do it? For some reason though, you just don't seem to be able to get started. Or if you do start, your home just ends up in a worse mess than before and you never finish. Maybe it's because you're struggling with how to declutter?
Here are five things you're going to need to think about in advance, for your decluttering project to be a success.
Know Your Why - be clear about why you want to reduce your clutter and live in a well organised home.
Is it to free up space in order to make your day to day living easier?
Is it in preparation for a life event such as moving home or downsizing?
Is it because as you grow older, you're thinking about your family to have to deal with all your stuff when you're no longer around?
Whatever you reason, begin with the end in mind.
Make sure you have a clear vision, a picture of what your home is going to look like and what life is going to feel like, once you've achieved your goal. You need this strong vision to inspire you to keep going when the going starts to get tough.
When you're surrounded by piles of stuff and you feel like shutting the door on it all and giving up!
Once you're clear about why you're doing it and the benefits it will bring, boost your motivation by starting wherever in your home you feel you can make the biggest difference, fast!
A quick win early on in your project will energise you and motivate you to keep going and tackle the next area.
Plan Ahead - decide if you're going to do your decluttering by type of item, or room by room. Have a step by step process in place and be clear on your criteria for deciding what to keep and what to let go. Decide in advance what you're going to do with the items you don’t want to keep. Will you sell your unwanted items, give them to friends and family, or donate them to charity?
Make it a Priority - if you're serious about this, you're going to have to dedicate time to it. Whether it's a single room, or a whole house decluttering and organising project, your expectations will need to match the time you have available. Will you work on it gradually over a number of weekends? Block a couple of weeks out of your diary? Take time off work?
Put a Support Team In Place - let your family or friends know what you’re doing so that they can support you, cheer you on and check up on your progress.
If you've tried decluttering in the past and not succeeded, you're going to need someone who knows about your plan and can gently hold you accountable this time.
Be Willing to Accept Help - seek professional help if the task ahead seems too daunting. The money you pay out on this on this will be worth every penny spent in terms of time, your sanity and arguments with family members saved!
These days there are different options for decluttering services: someone working with you in your home; online 1:1 guidance; working step by step towards your goal within a supportive group, via an online course.
"Clutter is a weight that has built on top of you so gradually, you don't even realise anymore that it is holding you down." - Mary Johanson
I wonder what it would mean to you personally, to be able to break free from your clutter burden?
Please leave me a Comment, I'd love to know ⬇️
Jo Hall is a Professional Home Organiser and Clutter Free Living expert 🏠
If you would love to have a really good sort out but don't know where to start, or maybe you've made a great start with it, but have since lost your way, Jo can help!
Jo works online with clients worldwide 🌍 via 1:1 sessions, DIY resources and group courses 👩💻 Guiding overwhelmed people to break free from the burden of stuff.
Message Jo with the words "CHAT" to fix up a no obligation chat about your project:
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