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Hi I'm Jo Hall, 


I've been guiding overwhelmed people through their Decluttering, Organising & Home Styling projects since 2018. Let me tell you a little bit about how I came to spend my days helping people reduce their stuff, get more organised and enjoy the long term benefits that come from living with less.

The Early Years

In my time, I've lived in eighteen different houses (six in three foreign countries), so I've plenty of experience of organising, packing and setting up home. Of course acquired things along the way and ended up moving far more stuff than we really needed, from country to country, before returning to the UK.

When both my parents passed away in 2015, my sisters and I had the emotional task of clearing our family home of thirty years.

I wanted to give a new home to as much of their furniture and carefully chosen household items as possible, as a result, our own house became even more cluttered! This presented my husband and I with a dilemma! We appreciate good quality furniture and items that hold fond memories, but we have a strong sense of our own style and are fans of quite a pared down, Scandinavian look. I'm also very keen on order and tidiness around the house!

There was clearly a mismatch to be reconciled and so my personal decluttering journey began.

Fast forward three years, by 2018 we'd given away, donated, sold, refurbished and repurposed both our own and items inherited from my parents; and at the same time reclaimed space and re organised our house.

I discovered I loved the whole process! So much so, that I found myself constantly talking to my friends about decluttering and passing on my enthusiasm for living in a pared down space, surrounded only by the things I love.

I started to help my friends with their decluttering projects and realised that I had found my vocation, Less Is More - Decluttering & Organising service was born!

Our Downsizing Project

By 2022 I had worked with many lovely clients on decluttering and re organising hundreds of rooms as well as staging rooms for optimal house sale photographs. Most of this work had been working alongside my clients in their homes, but back in mid 2019, I had started to guide some of my clients through their projects online. This started as people who were not local to me began to ask if I would be willing to work with them and of course proved to be a fortuitous step once the pandemic struck! It meant that by that time I was already used to working with my clients online and we had already achieved fantastic results, equally as good as when I was with my clients in person.

I mentioned 2022 because it proved to be a year of dramatic change for us as a family. Faced with the prospect of becoming empty nesters as our daughter was due to start university, we decided to change our nest and embark on our own downsizing project.

This led to a whole new layer of decluttering for us as, we moved from a four bedroomed house, to a much duplex apartment in a new city.

At first I intended to continue working both with clients in person in our new location and online. However I quickly realised that our move represented the perfect opportunity for me to develop online working, in order to bring my tried and tested methods and resources to help more people, wherever in the World they live.

I work with my clients online (via What's App or Zoom), providing online  de-cluttering, organising and home staging 1:1 coaching, as well as a group course and DIY resources. 


Please click HERE for more information on the service I offer and  get in touch if you'd like to fix up a no obligation chat with me about your project.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Jo Hall

PS. As I'm passionate about ensuring unwanted items don't go to waste, all my sessions include advice on rehoming, repurposing and refurbishing items.

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